When I first started to learn about the magic behind natural cosmetics, I was overwhelmed with information. I read so many different books and articles about the definition of “natural” cosmetics, the differences between natural and conventional cosmetics, the pros and cons of each, and so on. Well, within everything I read, I found a small but powerful blog that really caught my attention and eventually helped me understand how to navigate my own process of switching from conventional to natural shampoo. This great blog is written by Toñi @cosmeticanatural_elchopo.

In her blog, Toñi explains the transition that occurs in your hair when switching from conventional shampoos to natural ones. She explains that once you make the switch, you won’t be able to immediately see results because your hair has to “detoxify.” Yes, you read that correctly! This process can take weeks or even months.

If your hair has been using conventional shampoos for a long time, then it has been accumulating layers and layers of silicones that have been adhering to the hair, giving it an appearance of lust and shine. However, these silicones are accumulating in the fibers of your hair. Over time, it will damage the cuticle and dry it out.

Silicones can also clog the scalp, hindering the growth of new hair and causing irritation in the pores. So, this “lovely” appearance is actually masking real harm done to the hair.

When we start cleaning our hair with natural shampoos, the hair gets cleaner and cleaner until the layers of silicones disappear from our hair. This is the detoxification process. During this process, the hair can get rough and dry until the silicones are completely gone. This is finally when the hair begins the process of rehabilitation and we start seeing our hair with more shine, nutrition, and softness. This is also when the active ingredients of our natural shampoos, like oils, butters, etc., will be able to penetrate our hair strands and give it life again!

At Inka Bubbles, we want to help you and the environment by using natural ingredients in our hair products. Our ingredients are gentle for the scalp and hair while also being environmentally friendly.

A natural solid shampoo of 85+ grams of product, that you may find at Inka Bubbles, will be an amazing choice for you, your hair, and the environment, and it will last you a long time too!

How can you get there, you ask?

First thing’s first: read, read, read! Reading the ingredients that your hair products contain is just as important as reading the ingredients in the food products you buy so that you know which ingredients to keep and which to avoid. If you want to know if your hair products contain silicones, these ingredients usually have the suffixes "cone" and "cona" (such as in dimethicone).

It is my intention to bring you information that will empower you in making the best decisions when purchasing products, you will use. 

On a personal note, I started my journey to natural products toward the end of 2019, including restoring my hair. All that harsh dying, blow-drying, using conventional shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, mistreating my hair for more than 20 years, created a toll on it, so of course, repairing it would need to take time.

It took me a year, but now my hair is healthy, and I couldn’t be happier. It was definitely worth the change!

Do you feel a bit smarter? I hope so. Remember, with knowledge comes power! Happy switching. 😊

Read and Watch - Recommendations:

Read more: Is Silicone really that bad for your hair?

Por qué deberías huir de los sulfatos y las siliconas en tu champú diario

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About: Parabens and Sulfates

15 Harmful Ingredients In Shampoos And Conditioners That You Should Avoid, Starting Today!

Next Blog…

What is so special about shea butter?




Solid Hair Products / Productos Capilares Sólidos